Technology to your aid

At alert level 4 our clinics are closed until further notice. We’ll keep you updated as often as we can regarding when we can re-open and in what format given the different alert levels we could see in the near future. We’ve had a busy few days re-adjusting to lockdown and working from home. Some people may need to touch base with us, so be sure to make use of your technology.

Posted Wednesday August 25, 2021

Safeguard your hearing, stay connected

It’s important during the lockdown to be able to communicate well. Audiology South is here to support you as best as we can to make sure your hearing aids function at their best.

For URGENT consultations

If you have access to Skype, Zoom or FaceTime, feel free to reach out to Simon via email or mobile 021 933 922 to set up a video consultation — send a text first to arrange a time. You can also make an ‘old fashioned’ phone call.

For NON-URGENT issues that you’d like a response on, but perhaps not critical, be sure to email or leave as message on your clinic answerphone, as we be checking on these regularly while we are closed.


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